Henrique Köhler
Osterwaldstr. 69a
München / Germany,
the l i c e n s o r
represented by
the l i c e n s e e.
a diploma thesis at the Munich Technical University in 1977, the
licensor has discovered a fundamental error on the signage: the
absence of indication of cardinal points, consequently the
unnatural requirement of transfers within the left brain hemisphere.
Based on unnumberable surveys and interviews in two continents, the
licensor has developed a range of orientation methodes for car drivers,
pedestrians, passengers, visitors of exhibitions, shopping centers,
buildings, parks etc. These methodes require merely the knowledge of one
or more master directions and the natural position indication on target
locations and on intermediary points as crossings, bus stops, etc. As the system uses the imagination power
of the user, it requires considerably less signage and simplifies the
The developed system is a comprehensive collection of intellectual works composed by symbols, pictograms, identification numbers and letters, brand names, learning concepts, markings, signage, labelling, descriptions, methodes, electronic/non-electronic displays, algorithms etc., which are specified in attachment according the special requirements of the licensee.
system is a collection of intellectual works that allow several
commercially usable applications, also in electronics, such as:
Honestly®, stepless tariff system with special measures against clandestinity and
display of natural position indications
navigation devices, mobile phones, watches etc.
- NorthSound©, OrientSound© acoustic pointers in shopping centers, busses, road entrances etc. for persons with / without visual handicaps
north light©
driven light as north pointer for signage on roads and highways
Natural Cartography©
- Natural World Co-ordinates / City Codes acc. to www.watchrose.com
The technical parts of the system, the designs and the utility models have been registred at the Deutsches Patentamt under the codes 296 09 878.7, 196 43139.5-35, 197 16097.2, 299 04 418.1, 498 12 675.7, 499 07103.4, 202 06 031.4 and 203 17 279.5. Due to the wide range of the agreement subject, the system also has copyright protections similar to franchising agreements. The brand name of the whole system is Munich Orientation Convention. The internet domains
www.follow-m.com and de,
www.quovides.com and .de
www.volksnav.com and .de
www.watchrose.com and .de
are registred
and in use for the present purpose. Articles on newspapers and TV as
well as a comprehensive correspondence attest the popularity of the
invention by authorities in Brazil, Germany and other countries.
Due to his knowledge about the orientation relevant processes in both brain hemispheres, his discovery and further line of investigations of weak points on actual signage, his development of patentable alternative solutions based on revolutionary ideas, his skill and his experience, the licensor has acquired a fame to be an expert on the human orientation field.
the moment, only the inventor/licensor is authorized to issue licences
for use, production and sales about any element of the system.
licensee plans to use the system for orientation and internal purposes, possibly
in connection with advertisement for third parties.
– Extention of license / exclusivity
agreement authorizes to use the the orientation system
with ( without ) exclusivity within the territory specified in §4.
– Obligation to use
is at no time any obligation to use the full range of the possibilities
granted by the agreement.
§3 - Sublicences
The licensee is not authorized to transact sub-licences, assignments, transfers of rights etc.
§4 – License territory
This licence authorizes to take benefit of the system within the territory of ….. There are no territorial limitations for publications.
§5 - Cooperation
to the extraordinary subject of the invention, both parties commit each
other to a tight cooperation, specially concerning the exchange of
actual information. The licensor commits to cooperation regarding the development of descriptions, the initial instruction of the
licensee’s employees, the creation of standard learning exercises, the
communication with the media and other activities for the best
acceptance by the users.
licensor commits to install an information system via internet about the state
of the system and with a complete list of all licensees.
licensee will report every 6 months details about the utilization of the system,
specially naming all users within his activity area.
§6 – Advertisement purposes of the licensee
correct, the licensee is authorized to announce that his corporation is the world’s
first (second, thirth ) one, that offers the concerning natural orientation
§7 – Enhancements and alterations
In order to achieve a worldwide standard, all licensees have automatically and with no additional payment the right to use any enhancements and alterations of the system.
§8 –Remarks about protection status / Defense of protection status
The licensee commits to take care that all installed elements of signage contain good readable brand names, copyright remarks and/or at least an indication to the home page www.volksnav.com. All publications must contain information that ensures unequivocally the requirement of a licence agreement.
In order to accomplish this purpose, the licensee commits to send all trial signage products and descriptions to the licensor soliciting approvals in writing and commit to trade only with corporations listed in www.volksnav.com/license.
(clarify: registration within territory)
Joint ownership in case of secondary ideas
the licensee develops secondary ideas which are new and can be useful
for other licensees, e. g. a more efficient way to install the signage
or an attractive design, the licensee will automatically be joint owner
of these ideas and has thus the right to participate on the additional
the case arises, a detailed agreement should be established as an annex
to this agreement. In case of ideas emerging from licensee’s employees,
the directives for internal inventions will apply.
– Responsabilities of the licensor
licensor is commited to
define the centering position of all imaginary clocks in cities, buildings etc.
define master position codes StatusQuo© and WatchRose©
respect licensee’s exclusivity acc. to §1 and co-ownership acc. to §9
cooperation and maintaince of an information system acc. to §5
11 – Responsabilities of the licensee
responsabilities of the licensee are:
to comply with the protection measures acc. to §8
to inform about the utilization of the system every 6 months acc.
to §5
only to maintain a business connection with companies, which use
or want to use elements of this system, which are listed in www.volksnav.com/license.
to solicit an approval by the licensor for every new design or
text for signage, instruction manuals etc.
– Duration of agreement
present agreement will be valid immediately after the receipt of the
start up fee acc. to § 13, confirmed by the licensor, Due to the
extraordinary subject, this agreement has no limitations concerning a
duration time.
§13 – Licence fees
license fees are:
up fee
flat fee
on advertisement
… % of the transaction volume
Alterations of the agreement
present agreement can anytime be alterated if both parties agree with.
§15 - Penalties
Both parties agree upon following penalties:
each violation of the present agreement on the part of the licensee
each violation of the present agreement on the part of the licensor
§16 – Court of jurisdiction
court of jurisdiction is München
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place and date of issue signatures