Modern house numbers

Actual house numbers look like this:


or this:

cl( is house number 20 here or right hand? )

The house owner mostly doesn't know why someone has decided for this number..

Modern house numbers look like this one of the Geology department in Bujumbura, rue du 13 Octobre:


This sign "tells" the following information to the reader:

- north is behind (squared red symbol was placed below (position f6)

- the center of town is behind and left hand (round symbol on f7)

- the house number bases on a crossing code, see the previous page. The code is left hand, so the crossing is left hand.

- each crossing is the begin of a new clock. This house number is - like a radius - the distance from this crossing in direction m9 (sunset): 56 meters.

- as the number is even, the house is situated at the "earlier" side of the street.


The house in front would have the number 55 or 57, for example:


This system as a precision of 2 meters.