VolksNav in Toronto

Click or doubleClick a point on map to know the logical area code of that point

Area codes like "Wilson station Toronto m11:7 r114" consist of hours, minutes and radius according to following convention:

StatusQuo Toronto prefix of an area code The urban pole is the TV tower
m12 basic horizon hour from urban pole to north, m3 to east etc.
number after the " : " horizon minutes distance to the horizon hour, in steps of 100 meters
The blue lines on grid show :50 minutes
r... radius
distance to the urban pole, in steps of 100m.
The red circle shows r100 = 10km.

This map converts lat/lon to StatusQuo(c) on a simplified mode, tolerable for radius < 10 km. For a professional conversion, see VolksNav.com/mapplet

The division of the horizon into 12 directions can also be used global or indoor.

Station codes:

name time/space [minutes] radius
Highway 407 m10:80 r190
Pioneer Village m10:80 r180
York university m10:82 r173
Finch West m10:75 r160
Downsview Park m11 r144
Sheppard West m11:8 r134
Wilson m11:7 r114
Yordale m11:4 r103
--------------------------- r100 transition   r100
Lawrence West m11:2 r93
Glencairn m11 r86
St. Clair West m11:4 r52
Dupont m11:5 r40
Spadina m11:2 r31
St. Geoge m11:6 r31
Museum m11:9 r28
Queen's Park m11:8 r20
St. Patrick m11:6 r15
------------------- E / W transition    
Osgoode m12:1 r10
St. Andrew m12:2 r7
Union m1:3 r7
King m1:3 r11
Queen m1 r13
Dundas m12:5 r17
College m12:3 r21
Wellesley m12:2 r26
Bloor/Yonge m12:1 r32
------------------------ E / W transition    
Rosedale m11:18 r38
Summerhill m11:20 r44
St. Clair m11:21 r51
Davisville m11:24 r62
Eglinton m11:28 r72
Lawrence m11:36 r94
------------------------- r100 transition   r100
York Mills m11:43 r114
North York m11:53 r142
Finch m11:58 r156