VolksNav in Seoul

Click or doubleClick a point on map to know the logical area code of that point

Area codes like "Liberland, Seoul m12:8 r73" consist of hours, minutes and radius according to following convention:

StatusQuo(c) Seoul prefix of an area code The urban pole is the Namsam tower
m12 basic horizon hour from urban pole to north, m3 to east etc.
number after the " : " horizon minutes distance to the horizon hour, in steps of 100 meters
The blue lines on grid show :50 minutes
r... radius

distance to the urban pole, in steps of 100m.
The red circle shows r100 = 10km.

download Seoul_r100.KML

This map converts lat/lon to StatusQuo(c) on a simplified mode, tolerable for radius < 10 km. For a professional conversion, see VolksNav.com/mapplet

This method allows to define line pictograms and codes for stop points and lines, for example:

line 3 from m10 to m3 from m3 to m10

103say "line ten three" or "the 3 ten"

station name time/space radius
Daehwa m10:15 r253
Juyepeop m10:14 r240
Jeongbalsan m10:9 r225
Madu m10:4 r216
Baekseok m10 r204
Daeggok m10 r180
Wondang m10:34 r170
Wonheung m10:45 r150
Samsong m10:57 r140
Jichuk m10:60 r126
Gupabal m10:52 r113
-------------------- imaginary reference circle   r100
Yeonsinnae m10:35 r96
Bulgwang m10:32 r84
Nokbeon m10:25 r72
Hongje m10:17 r57
Muakjae m10:13 r48
Dongnimmun m10:9 r37
Gyeongbokgung m11:2 r30
Anguk m11:13 r28
-------------------- transition E / W    
Jongno 3 m12:4 r22
Euljiro 3 m12:4 r17
Chungmuro m12:5 r12
Dongguk Univ. m2 r18
Yaksu m2:6 r20
--------------------- transition N / S    
Geumho m3:4 r25
Oksu m3:11 r28
Apgujeong m4:5 r44
Sinsa m4:20 r48
Jamwon m5:4 r47
Express Bus Terminal m5:13 r54
Seoul Nat'l Univ. of Education m5:12 r68
Nambu Bus Terminal m5:15 r78
Yangjae m5:2 r86
Maebong m4:36 r88
Dogok m4:28 r90
Daechi m4:22 r91
Hangnyeoul m4:17 r94
--------------------------- imaginary reference circle   r100
Daecheong m4:15 r103
Irwon m4:23 r114
Suseo m4:12 r123
Garak market m4 r132
National Police Hospital m3:62 r135
Ogeum m3:55 r135

The division of the horizon into 12 directions can also be used global or indoor, for example

Seoul Hall of Urbanism and Architecture m11 r20, implemented on interactive map.

hour. 1 unity = 1 meter


Metro station Gimpo Airport Seoul m9:13 r165, integrated on interactive map

gimSmart adressing of exits