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Munich Orientation Convention in Wuhan                             Chinese中文        Google mapplet                            

Wuhan has the option to be world's first city that has realized an international orientation standard, an idea from a Munichian inventor to simplify and harmonize worldwide all orientation means: signage, cartography, postal codes, navigation devices and verbal expressions. 

Within this city, it is (will be) possible to find any target with easy brain work, that means 

- without maps, - without names,
- without illogical numbers  - without arrows
- without floor marks  - without square grids 
- without colors - without compass or other navigation devices

Buildings, crossings, stop points, bridges etc. have logical addresses like

            Yangtze bridge 1   StatusQuo© WH   m10 r15             

            International Convention Center         m10:20 r47

            Municipal Government                       m12:2 r53

             Wuhan Sports Centre                        m8:20 r133 

            Wuhan Tianhe international airport     m11:60 r280             

  which are easy to understand if you associate the city with a clock as follows:

(c)2007 Munich Orientation Convention www.volksnav.com 

An outstanding point, e. g. the Yellow Crane tower, was (will be) defined as a pole m0

Around this pole, the horizon is divided in 12 "horizon hours"  

     m1  to  m12      

, whereas m12 points to north. Horizon hours are divided in horizon minutes. These are not angles but DISTANCES to the horizon hour, in steps of approx one "block of houses" or 100 meters. 

    Example      m3:10  

( read   "emm three point ten"   or   "emm three ten" ). 

This is a line situated in a distance of 10 x 100m from the horizon hour m3, which points to sunrise. The convention for horizon minutes is very easy: 

     the greater, the later.

Considering the distance to m0 as r = radius also in steps of blocks of houses, logical position codes for targets, buildings, crossings etc. come into existence, e. g. as shown on the picture: 

        crossing      m10:30 r80 

In simple words:

"r" is a numbering starting FROM m0

"m" is a north-direction-based numbering AROUND m0  

and this simple methode covers a gigantic market gap: 

      l o g i c a l   and easy understandable  p o s i t i o n   codes. 


Natural Cartography©: a map with such a polar grid has innovative characteritics, see www.volksnav.com/map

Please be aware about the fact that above mentioned stadion isn't on map but the logical position code make it possible to imagine where it is situated !



StatusQuo© addresses will be integrated within the existing signage, see www.volksnav.com/lollipop, or be indicated on so-called Orientators©, the signage of the future.

Vertical Pointing©: additional to the position information, a round symbol called center or pole pointer will be placed on their periphery to allow to detect the direction m0  according to the following conventions: 

if the pointer is placed on top m0 will be in front of you
  on bottom   behind
  right hand   right hand

etc. Acc. to the same convention, a square symbol points to north = m12.  The picture reveils: m12 is behind, the pole is right hand 



Navigation / VolksNav©:

The local navigation with the help of such codes is called VolksNav©. As proceeded today with house numbers, VolksNav© is nothing else than the major/minor comparison between "r" and "m" values: 

Simply proceed according to 1 -2 -3 : 





Turn your body until m0 will be BEHIND. In this position, 

ahead will be outwards
right hand " to later (clockwise)
left hand " to earlier


Beginners have to turn physically, after some exercises anyone will be able to do this by his imagination power. In case you look at above shown Orientator©, you'd have to turn to left, correct? 




Ask yourself:         

must I move inwards or outwards? 

 ( = is the target radius greater or smaller than the actual one?)




Ask yourself:      

must I move to “later” (clockwise) or to earlier?  

( = is the target m later or earlier than the actual one?)


Let's see an example: 

Your target is:                          Central stadion m8:20 r133      

If you've lost orientation on named crossing      m10:30 r80

so you must go

- outwards (radius r133 is more than actual r80 )


- to "earlier" (counterclockwise)   ( m8 is "earlier"  than the actual m10 )

This may seem to be unfamiliar, but the orientation based on cardinal points is used for some thousand years and imaginary clocks are used by soldiers, boy scouts, pilots, blind people etc. for more than 100 years. On a real situation, VolksNav© can be learned within few minutes, that means, faster than the most seeking times. 

Let's see an example with the help of station codes:

(approx. values)

If your target is: Municipal Government  m12:2 r53 , such codes will help for to select the right station and then to detect the right direction from this station. In this case, the station m11:20 r52 will be the best one. From there, the direction of the target will be "to later" and out of town. From the station m12 r60, the target direction would be: 700m to downtown and 200m "to later".

Using modern orientation tools: 

Acc. to www.QuoVides.com, QuoVides® 12 is defined as the view / walk / drive / flight direction to north. The target directions for this example are:

- from m11:20 r52:  QuoVides®     (old boy scout method: read from map: to 3 o'clock / sunrise)

- from m12 r60:       QuoVides®                             (to 5 o'clock)




Mobile applications: Very soon also navigation devices and mobile phones will indicate such logical position codes and cardinal points , see www.volksnav.com/mobile

You're invited to test the program for pocketPC/smartphone with/without GPS by means of a download from www.volksnav.com


Natural World Co-ordinates: the same addressing methode will soon also be used 

- indoor www.volksnav.com/deutschesmuseum     www.volksnav.com/airportMUC


- within the whole globe, see  www.watchrose.com. Acc. to this, the international City Code of Wuhan is 

           WatchRose© m2:25   r83 80  

What is this good for? Just comparing the codes for example of Wuhan and  

        Xiaogan WatchRose©  m2:26  r83 25 

it is possible to evaluate that 

- the position of  Xiaogan is "later" and closer to Munich than Wuhan, more exactly

    :26 - :25 = 1 km later

    r8380 - r8325 = 55 km closer

- the distance between both locations, the hipotenuse, will be between 55 and 55+1 km. 

- for advanced users:

the egocentrical direction  Wuhan / Xiaogan  (to later/to inside) is QuoVides(R) 10, see www.quovides.com