VolksNav(c) in Munich
Click or doubleClick a point on map to know the logical indoor oder urban address of that point
The convention for urban position codes is:
StatusQuo(c) MUN | prefix of a position code | The urban pole is the Marienplatz |
m12 | basic horizon hour | from urban pole to north, m3 to east etc. |
number after the " : " | horizon minutes | distance to the horizon hour, in steps of 100 meters The blue lines on grid show :50 minutes |
r... | radius |
distance to the urban pole, in steps of 100m. The red circle shows r100 = 10km. |
The division of the horizon into 12 directions can also be used global or indoor. Alternative location codes see www.volksnav.de/Alternatives.
Starting with the Digital day:2021 and ACT4SDGs Week, anyone can hunt treasures with the help of imaginary clocks within the Tiergarten in Berlin and Theresienwiese in Munich.
Let's not forget: digital comes from digitus = finger = countable or quantify-able. Right/left, the division of the horizon into 12 directions etc. are also countable and digital !
You won't find any signage or maps. The treasure to hunt is the rediscovering of a NON-artificial intelligence: your IMAGINATION!
As alternatives to right/left, you can find the treasures acc. to the following navigation methods:
VolksNav / EXOcentric navigation, similar to geocaching. The center of the main crossing. The VolksNav app can be used, but the tasks can be performed simply with some brain work. Starting point: anywhere |
All navigation jobs will be to find an imaginary table with 6 persons. The center of the clock is the middle of the table, so the addresses (clockwise) will be:
north side: m10, m12, m2, south side: m4, m6, m8.
Seek and find the m4 treasure!
6 signs, the treasure has a yellow background |
Covered with stones |
EGO ZZ exercise, start point: stairs to the Bavaria statue, lower level
Follow this path:
m3 m6 m6 m6 m6 m3 m3 r3.
You'll be at the bicicle learning area, challenge 1, big red circle..
In direction m6/south there is a meadow with an imaginary beer tent on it. The middle of the meadow is the center of the tent, where the beer band animates the guests.
A concreted area 1m x 1m at the boarder of the meadow would be the entrance m12/north of the tent. Now 1 unity will be 1 meter.
Enter the tent and search for the beer table with the address m5 r15 and kiss your imaginary treasure at place m4..
EGO BL exercise, start point as before
From this point, the same beer table would have the "address" BL5 r22 if it would be allowed to follow the airline.
EGO ZZ around the BL exercise, start point as before
It is only allowed to leave the street at the entrance m12 of the beer tent: a real situation.
If you follow the BL by ZZnav, a similar ZZ route will be realized. Test this.
VolksNav exercise indoor
with/without the VolksNav App, start point: anywhere, 1 unity = 10m
The same beer table has the location code Wiesn m5:7 r18 (table only) or Wiesn m5:7 r17 m5 r15 (tent + table)
The app identifies 500 world cities and also this Theresienwiese. It switches automatically to Wiesn location codes...
Exercise: find the target Wiesn m12:15 r57 (Tip: is the exit m7 of a metro station)
Advanced users can find the target also without the app--------------
VolksNav exercises urban
Start point: anywhere in Munich, 1 unity = 100m
The Theresienwiese has the location code MUN m8:4 r20
Find the following treasures:
Metro station MUN m8:7 r18
Metro station MUN m7:7 r16
Metro station MUN m8:10 r26
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Other than with geocaching, advancers will compare the time and radius codes, form a beeLine and follow the BL with ZZnav. The hunter on picture came to the conclusion that he must go to outside and to earlier. On sector m6/south this would be BL = m3 / sunrise or BL4. This sounds complicated but is very intuitive in a real situation, . |
Signage like on picture will substitute the app.. The sign answers the question "where am I?" and points to north/m12, center of clock, WC, all emergency doors etc.
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