VolksNav(c) in L. A.

Click or doubleClick a point on map to know the logical indoor or urban address of that point

The convention for urban position codes is:

StatusQuo(c) L. A. prefix of a position code The urban pole is the north bridge
(or the basilica?)
m12 basic horizon hour from urban pole to north, m3 to east etc.
number after the " : " horizon minutes distance to the horizon hour, in steps of 100 meters
The blue lines on grid show :50 minutes
r... radius
distance to the urban pole, in steps of 100m.
The red circle shows r100 = 10km.

The division of the horizon into 12 directions can also be used global or indoor.

The building numbering of the Bates College counts around the pole of the virtual tour, the quad. One unity will be 10 meters, so for example the president's house would have the smart address Bates m9 r18 (18 x 10 meters from the quad in direction m9/sunset).

The room numbering would follow the same methode, one unity = 1 meter.


For the virtual tour, it is recommended to insert information concerning the actual view direction according to the following QuoVides(R) convention:

QuoVides(R) 12 = I'm looking to north.

QV(R) 3 = I'm looking to sunrise (= m3),

QV(R) 6 = I'm looking to south/m6,

QV(R) 9 = I'm looking to the president's house



Possible alternative nicknames for the Twin Cities: Northbridge, Auston, Lewisburn, VolksNav etc.

